В чем отличие американского и британского английского?

0 голосов
спросил от (11.1тыс. баллов)
В чем отличие американского и британского английского?

3 Ответы

0 голосов
ответил от (192тыс. баллов)

two truck breakdown vehicle
fooled me for a minute til I realized you meant towtruck

I would say the most striking to me are:
1) "ah" instead of R
2) epenthetic R before vowels, as in AmericaR is ...
(Both AmE and BrE have the epenthetic N as in an apple, altho I am hearing uneducated speech with a glottal stop instead.)

0 голосов
ответил от (192тыс. баллов)
AE: I have a car
BE: I've got a car

и т.п. - куча мелких различий, в AE в основном упрощения существующих правил

AE: labeled
BE: labelled

и т.п. - за подробностями в учебники.
0 голосов
ответил от (192тыс. баллов)
car Br -> ka:
AE ->car
fast BR -> fa:st
AE -> faest
tape Br taeip
AE teip
seconday stress in words like cemetery (Br ->cemetry, AE cemetEry)
secretary (Br secretry; AE secretAry) etc

+ отдельные слова
scedule Br ->shedule
AE -> skedule
laboratory Br -> labOratry
Ae ->lAbrotory
Br -> I've just seen him
AE I just saw him
BR where's Ann - she's just gone out
AE where's Ann - she just went out
I'll see u I'll see you at the weelend
on the weekend
she was taken she was taken to hospital
to THE hospital

the hood the bonnet (of the car)
the windshield the windscreen
the trunk the boot
two truck breakdown vehicle
highway,turnpike motorway
grade form/mark
