Начинаю с самого главного - надо понять, из чего состоит экзамен и как он оценивается. Взято с
http://laorencha.blogspot.com/2014/01/delta-module-on и отредактировано в соответствии с изменениями в системе экзамена, которые отражены в DELTA handbook на официальном сайте. В скобках указан максимальный балл за задание.
Paper 1:
Task 1 - name 6 ELT terms from definitions provided. (6)
Task 2 - define 4 ELT terms. (12)
Task 3 - look at a class activity and list 3 things the students will need to know before they do it (taking their level into account). (12)
Task 4 - authentic student-produced text (written or spoken) - write 4 key strengths and weaknesses of the student from the text and choose one to focus on, giving three reasons why (considering the student`s level etc). (20)
Task 5 - some discourse analysis (relevant features of the text) followed by "grammar salad" - lots and lots of language analysis (too much, in my opinion).
Paper 2:
Task 1 - you`re given a test with background information on what students it is given to and why, and you talk about no more than 6 strengths and weaknesses of the text, using relevant testing terminology as needed. (18)
Task 2 - a) you`re given an excerpt from a textbook and you first write about the different indicated activities and their purpose/the intentions of their creators, considering your knowledge of ELT concepts. b) Then you list no more than 6 comment on key assumptions about language
learning and skills development the textbook authors made in creating those activities. c) Then you take more excerpts from the same text and talk about how they fit together with the previous ones, no more than 6 assumptions. (12+12+18=42)
Task 3 - you`re given an extract of some research, article, syllabus, comments, or theory from an educator and you are asked to unpack it using your knowledge of ELT history and other relevant concepts (usually things like giving feedback, the purpose for focusing on certain skills, giving instructions, historical and current theories and practices for language learning, dealing with errors, learning styles, that sort of thing). (40)