Спасибо :)
Вот еще довольно забавный подкаст, правда, говорят быстро, так что приходится напрягаться. Зато иногда смешно шутят.
American Copywriter: [www.wehatesheep.com]
Welcome to "American Copywriter," SHS' weekly podcast featuring agency creatives John January and Tug McTighe.
Tune in each week to hear John and Tug share their unique take on the world of advertising, sports, music, TV, movies, pop culture, Halloween and really just about every topic imaginable. Basically, if John and Tug hear about a trend or an issue, they’ve got an opinion to share with everyone.
И еще:
Free Talk Live (разнообразные новости, см. правую колонку): [freetalklive.com]
Free Talk Live is an open forum. If you don't like the topics or would like to hear others, it's on YOU to call. As FTL expands to different markets, our callers will change. The archives do not represent the show's future. Anything can happen, and usually does...
Экзотика, еще не слушала, но думаю, стоит послушать хотя бы из обшего интереса:
Tom's Trucker Travels & Audio Podcast: [truckerphoto.blogspot.com]
Follow Trucking Tom's travels as he trucks around the U.S.A. Tom comments on everything from trucking and technology to politics, music and more.
Плюс много интересного здесь: [www.thepodcastnetwork.com]